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Rules for posting comments

26 апреля 2019
  1. Terms and Definitions.
  3. 1.1. The User shall mean an individual who places comments (reviews) on 103.by website (hereinafter referred to as the website) and accepts these Rules.
  5. 1.2. The Website Administration shall be Artox Lab Limited Liability Company
  7. 1.3. The Moderator shall mean a representative of the Website Administration entitled to moderate

    1.4. Moderation shall mean Moderator’s actions to ensure Users’ compliance with these Rules.

    1.5. The Object of Commenting shall mean information about organizations, individual entrepreneurs, brands, news, photos, etc. posted on the website and open for commenting.

    1.6. The Comment (Review) shall mean information posted by the User on the website reflecting his/her own opinion about the Object of Commenting.

    1. Acceptance of the Rules.

    2.1. The User accepts these Rules and confirms his/her obligation to comply with these Rules for posting the comment (review), participation in voting on the website.

    2.2. The Comment (Review) posted on the website shall reflect the User’s personal opinion. The opinion of the Website Administration may not be consistent with the User’s opinion or viewpoint.

    2.3. Ignorance of these Rules shall not exempt the User from liability for violation thereof.

    3. Rights and Obligations.

    3.1. The User shall have the right to:

    3.1.1. freely express his/her own opinion about the Object of Commenting in the form not contradictory to these Rules and legislation of the Republic of Belarus and not violating the rights of third parties.

    3.2. The User shall:

    3.2.1. read and understand these Rules before posting the comment (review); 3.2.2. comply with the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus, these Rules when posting comments (reviews);

    3.2.3. act reasonably and in good faith, respect the honor and dignity of other Users, business reputation of organizations, behave correctly and politely when posting comments;

    3.2.4. be solely responsible for the content of the comment (review) posted, settle any possible claims of third parties;

    3.2.5. not take any actions aimed at the disruption of the website, including but not limited to hacker attacks, use of malware (viruses), changing the website software, etc.

    3.2.6. not use the website for purposes prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

    3.3. The Administration shall have the right to:

    3.3.1. store information about the User (IP address, data specified while registration on the website, User’s posts)

    3.3.2. amend these Rules without prior notice of the Users by posting a new version of these Rules on the website;

    3.3.3. use information about the User in case of filing against the Website Administration civil claims, complaints related to the content of the User’s comments (reviews), if the Website Administration is held responsible;

    3.3.4. use information about Users’ actions in order to improve the website operation;

    3.3.5. close, suspend, modify the website or part thereof without prior notice of the User.

    3.4. The Moderator shall have the right to:

    3.4.1. delete, edit any information posted by the User on the forum and/or in other sections (on other pages) of the website if he/she considers that this information violates current legislation of the Republic of Belarus, requirements of these Rules, rights of third parties.

    1. Requirements for comments (reviews).
    3. 4.1. The Comment (review) shall:
    5. 4.1.1. be directly related to the Object of Commenting;

    4.1.2. complement information posted on the website, represent interesting information and be useful to other Users;

    4.1.3. be constructive, objective and supported by the facts, and if necessary – verified documents of the competent authorities;

    4.1.4. be polite, correct and comply with standards of morality and ethics.

    4.2. Commenting shall be possible both with indicating the User’s name and anonymously.

    4.3. In order to avoid conflict situations, to maintain an atmosphere of mutual respect of Users, and in order to comply with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the following shall be prohibited while commenting (placing the review) on the website:

    4.3.1. to violate privacy, including distribution of third party’s personal data (phone numbers, addresses, etc.);

    4.3.2. to use links to pornographic pictures, audio and video clips, as well as similar products of sexual nature;

    4.3.3. to use vulgar or obscene expressions, coarse language;

    4.3.4. to violate intellectual property rights of third parties;

    4.3.5. to threaten, slander, insult, disgrace the honor and dignity or business reputation of organizations;

    4.3.6. to make personal remarks, i.e. be critical of a certain individual in an insulting, humiliating form while commenting the organization’s activities (placing the review of activities thereof) or replying to comments (reviews) of others;

    4.3.7. to post messages that contain dishonest methods of conducting discussions, provocation to violation of these Rules by other Users;

    4.3.8. to post comments (reviews) inciting social, ethnic, religious or other discord;

    4.3.9. to post appeals for violation of the legislation or recommendations/instructions for committing criminal acts, extremist materials;

    4.3.10. to post links to viruses, Trojans, and other malicious software, and/or information and/or instructions for use thereof;

    4.3.11. to post restricted access information (state, official or commercial secret);

    4.3.12. to use the website for political discussions;

    4.3.13. to use other people's names (nicknames) of citizens, names of organizations;

    4.3.14. to add comments of advertising nature. For advertising, please contact the Website Administration;

    4.3.15. to add links (transitions) to other sources;

    4.3.16. to argue with the moderator in comments, to discuss moderation policies, actions and/or personalities of the Moderators or the Website Administration.

    If you feel unsatisfied, send a letter specifying your complaint and contact information to the address: otzyv@103.by;

    4.3.17. to use the website for selling and/or providing information about drugs and/or psychotropic substances, precursors.

    4.4. It is strongly not recommended to:

    4.4.1. add the same type of comments (reviews) in different places (sections) of the website;

    4.4.2. add meaningless comments;

    4.4.3. use Padonkaffsky, Olbanian or other jargon in comments.

    Try to write in Russian intelligently;

    4.4.4. use transliteration (write Russian words in Latin letters) when posting the comment.

    If you do not have Russian keyboard, you can visit www.translit.ru website;

    4.4.5. add comments off topic;

    4.4.6. use CAPITAL LETTERS in the comments.

    Respect your companions, as they may think that you are shouting at them.

    4.5. Each User has the right to complain to the comment (review). In case of motivated complaints to the User’s comment (review), the comment (review) can be deleted by the Moderator.

    1. Moderation
    3. 5.1. Postmoderation is performed on 103.by, i.e. the comments (reviews) are controlled after posting by the Users.
    5. The Website Administration informs all stakeholders that due to a large number of comments (reviews) it cannot perform in-process monitoring of commenting. In this regard, the Website Administration shall not bear any responsibility for accuracy and legitimacy of the comments (reviews) posted on the website.

    5.2. The review shall be considered within 24 hours (except for weekends and holidays). In some cases that require further clarification or any detailed examination, the period of consideration may be prolonged.

    5.3. The Moderator independently on the basis of his/her personal subjective opinion shall assess compliance of the User’s comment (review) with the requirements of these Rules, general standards of ethics and morality, degree of constructiveness and accuracy of the comment (review).

    5.4. If the User believes that any comments (reviews) violate the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and/or international standards, these Rules, contain a trade secret or can cause damage to individuals or legal persons, the User shall have the right to inform the Moderator by sending an email to: otzyv@103.by.

    5.5. It can be denied in posting the comment (review), and the posted comment (review) can be deleted in the following cases:

    5.5.1. the comment (review) does not meet the requirements of these Rules;

    5.5.2. information contained in the comment (review) subject to consideration in accordance with the legislation on constitutional proceedings, civil legislation, civil procedure legislation, economic procedure legislation, criminal procedure legislation, legislation determining the procedure of the administrative process, legislation on administrative procedures;

    5.5.3. the comment (review) does not apply to the activities of the organization, an individual entrepreneur, an individual, does not relate to the quality of goods, works, services produced (sold) thereby;

    5.5.4. the User who posted the comment (review) addressed the Website Administration asking them to delete his/her comment (review);

    5.5.5. the User who posted the comment (review) does not answer phone calls of the Website Administration (not available);

    5.5.6. the User who specified information in the comments (review) that can be recognized as discrediting the honor, dignity of citizens or business reputation of organizations cannot confirm the specified facts.

    1. Limitation of Liability

    6.1. The Comment (review) posted on the website shall reflect the User’s personal opinion and may not be consistent with the opinion of the Website Administration. The User shall be fully responsible for the comment (review) posted by him/her.

    6.2. The Website Administration shall not be involved in disputes, shall not evaluate the posted comments (reviews) and shall reserves the right not to delete the comments (reviews) if there is no definite opportunity to assess the compliance of the message with the legislation and these Rules.

    6.3. In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus the Website Administration shall provide information about the User to the law enforcement, judicial authorities of the Republic of Belarus upon request thereof.

    6.4. The Website Administration shall have the right to use information about the User, involve Users as codefendants, witnesses, third parties at the court, if complaints, claims related to the comment (review) posted by this User are filed against the Website Administration. The User who posted the comment (review) shall be prepared, if necessary, to provide evidence of legitimacy, justification of information in the comment (review).

    6.5. The Website Administration shall not be liable to the User and shall not compensate the User for losses incurred or occurrence of which is possible due to interruptions in the operation of the provider, other persons or agencies, access to the website.

    1. Copyright

    7.1. All comments (reviews) placed on the website shall be covered by the copyright.

    All borrowed content shall have the indication of the author's name if it appears on the website source. Hyperlinks to materials posted earlier on the Internet shall be encouraged, but if the author declares necessity thereof, they shall be obligatory specified.

    The User shall not claim authorship of somebody else's texts or images. The User shall guarantee legitimacy of placing information on the website.

    7.2. The User shall be solely financially liable (compensation for damages, fines, court costs) incurred in connection with filing any complaints, claims by third parties related to the intellectual property protection, regarding the comment (review) posted by the User , to the full extent.

    7.3. All materials posted on the website, including the Users’ comments (reviews) shall be the property of the Website Administration. Access to the website content shall be provided solely for personal use and familiarization.

    Further use, reproduction, distribution in any way, copy, broadcast to the general public, translation, modification and use by any other way of materials posted on the website shall be possible only with indication of the active link to 103.by website.

    Persons who violate the intellectual property rights can bear civil, administrative, and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation of the Republic of Belarus.


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